Preset Collisions
In DOTS Dynamic Bone the Preset Collision System simpily refers to colliders generated with/within the DOTSDynamicBoneCollider Component.
The reason for this system is to allow the developer to either define a specific set of Entities to collide with or to collide with simple some simple shape data. When you add the
DOTSDynamicBoneCollider Component it adds a DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement>
which holds the data retaining to your Preset Colliders.
This data is used everyframe to perform come collision calculations.
Here's an example oh how to add a DOTS Dynamic Bone Entity
to the Preset collision system:
public class DOTSDynamicBoneAddToPresetCollisionSystemExample : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate()
// Get Collider Entity
Entity colliderEntity;
Unity.Physics.PhysicsCollider otherEntityCollider = GetComponentData<Unity.Physics.PhysicsCollider>(colliderEntity);
.ForEach((Entity e,ref DOTSDynamicBone.DOTSDynamicBone boneData,ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone.Particle> particles)=> {
// set the UseNaturalColliders property to true to use the Particle's PhysicsCollider
boneData.UseNaturalColliders = true;
// add the buffer. NOTE: this should invalidate the DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone.Particle> buffer so we have to get it again
DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement> m_Colliders = AddBuffer<DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement>(e);
particles = GetBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone.Particle>(e);
//now let's add a preset collider
m_Colliders.add(new DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement
m_Direction = TransformsExtensions.Direction.Y,
enabled = true,
fallbackToParicleRadiusOnNullPhysicsCollider = true,
entity = colliderEntity,
m_Radius = 0.5f,
boneEntity = e,
transform = new ParticleTransform(), //<- you may want to set this yourself
useUnityPhysicsCollider = true,
useParticlePhysicsCollider = true,
m_Bound = TransformsExtensions.Bound.Outside,
m_Center = new float3(),
persistant = true,
colliderPtr = otherEntityCollider
// let's add the Unity.Physics.PhysicsCollider to each respective particle.
// let's also disable collision calculations for every Particle who ith index is divisiable by 2 just because we can.
for(int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
DOTSDynamicBone.Particle p = particles[i];
p.m_ExcludeFromCollision = i % 2 == 0; // exclude from collision if i mod 2 == 0
// if the m_TransformEntity has a PhysicsCollider then set it
if (HasComponent<Unity.Physics.PhysicsCollider>(p.m_TransformEntity))
Unity.Physics.PhysicsCollider col = GetComponent<Unity.Physics.PhysicsCollider>(p.m_TransformEntity);
if (col.IsValid && col.Value.IsCreated)
p.collider = col.ColliderPtr;
else p.collider = null;
else p.collider = null;
particles[i] = p;
// these two functions are not Burstable. this addition and removal should be done
// elsewhere. This is just an example.
EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, new DOTSDynamicBone.Collision.DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollider_Tag { });
public struct DOTSDynamicBone_AddToPresetCollisionSystem_Tag : IComponentData { }
public struct DOTSDynamicBone_RemoveFromPresetCollisionSystem_Tag : IComponentData { }
This Component has the data nessacary to perform wither a Natural Collision or a