Single Bone
In DOTS Dynamic Bone a Single Bone is associated with entities that contain the DOTSDynamicBone ComponentData. The DOTSDynamicBone data can be modified at any time.
General Single Bone Properties
Here I will go over some important properties and tips when working with the DOTSDynamicBone ComponentData.
DOTSDynamicBone and DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement do not share the same jobs.
since DOTSDynamicBone represents a single bone, a seperate Job
is used for
DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement. Since
DOTSDynamicBone holds less data than DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement
and doesn't deal with inicies, it is generally faster to deal with.
this a bool
associated with the Natural Collision System.
this is a bool
that tells the DOTSDynamicBoneUpdateSystem
whether or not to convert a Particle's
transform data into `Unity.Animation.AnimatedLocalToWorld
transform data. If this is false then you will experience "jank" unless
you are centered in world coordinates. It is highly recommended you always set this to true. However, I leave the choice up to you.
UpdateLocalToWorldTransforms, UpdateTranslationTransforms, UpdateRotationTransforms
These 3 bool
values, when one of them is set to true, will add an transform override ComponentData to the RigComponentEntity.
See DOTSDynamicBoneParticleLocalToWorldOverride_Tag for more information.
This is the the Entity associated with the root particle. this value should match the value of the m_TransformEntity of the first
Particle in the DynamicBuffer
m_ReferenceObjectEntity, m_ReferenceObject, and m_DistanceToObject
This data is used with the DOTSDynamicBoneCullingSystem. The m_ReferenceObjectEntity is the Entity used to the distance comparison.
The m_ReferenceObject is the m_ReferenceObjectEntity's transform data. and the m_DistanceToObject is the max distance the RigComponentEntity
and the m_ReferenceObjectEntity must be before the Bone is disabled. This data can be changed at anytime but in order for the
DOTSDynamicBoneCullingSystem to pick it up, you must have the DOTSDynamicBoneCulling_Tag
added to Entity
as well.
Any other not mentioned should be looked at here