DOTS Dynamic Bone contains 5 systems with each having a specific role and sepcfic execution location(Check the Systems tab for more information):
NOTE: this list is ordered by when the system's Update call is executed
- DOTSDynamicBoneTransformOverrideSystem
- DOTSDynamicBoneCullingSystem
- DOTSDynamicBonePresetPhysicsCollisionSystem
- DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollisionSystem
- DOTSDynamicBoneUpdateSystem
The DOTSDynamicBoneTransformOverrideSystem is responsible for updating/overriding either the LocalToWorld, Translation, or Rotation ComponentData of an override's Entity
. This
system updates the Entity
before the Build Physics World system which means that this system executes before collisions are performed globally.
NOTE: a neat little consequence of this is that when overriding Transforms with DOTSDynamicBone and PhysicsJoints, by modifying the Translation and Rotation of the Entity
you subsequently move the
PhysicsJoint which is turn moves the Unity.Physics.PhysicCollider
. This makes it so you can move Unity.Physics.PhysicColliders
using DOTS Dynamic Bone and since DOTS Dynamic Bone works with
Unity DOTS Animation then your DOTS Animations can move the Unity.Physics.PhysicCollider
as well. pretty neat.
The DOTSDynamicBoneCullingSystem is responsible for performing culling checks. Each DOTS Dynamic Bone has culling data in it that makes it so if you exceed a distance from an Entity "Like a Player" then the DOT Dynmaic Bone calculations are no longer done on the Dynamic Bone Entity. Culling is great for instances where you want to save some computation time by not performing caculations on entities ourside a Players view.
The DOTSDynamicBonePresetPhysicsCollisionSystem is responsible for updating DOTS Dynamic Bone Entities with Preset collisions.
The DOTSDYnamicBoneNaturalPhysicsCollisionSystem is responsible for updating DOTS Dynamic Bone Entities that use Natural DOTS Collision.
The DOTSDynamicBoneUpdateSystem is responsible for a few things:
- Updating Non-Collision related DOTS Dynamic Bone Entites.
- Updating Entity information with Entities linked to an Independant DOTS Dynamic Bone Entity.
- Updating the