DOTS Dynamic Bone performs 18 jobs that updates data based on the Components in the Entity. These Jobs include:
- System: DOTSDynamicBoneCullingSystem
- DOTSDynamicBoneCullingUpdateTransformsJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleCullingUpdateTransformsJob
- System: DOTSDynamicBoneTransformOverrideSystem
- DOTSDynamicBone_ParticleLocalToWorldOverrideJob
- System: DOTSDynamicBonePresetPhysicsCollisionSystem
- DOTSDynamicBoneWithPresetCollidersJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleWithPresetCollidersJob
- IndependantDOTSDynamicBoneWithPresetCollidersJob
- IndependantDOTSDynamicBoneMultipleWithColliders
- System: DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollisionSystem
- DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollisionUpdateJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleNaturalCollisionUpdateJob
- IndependantDOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollisionUpdateJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneIndependantMultipleNaturalCollisionUpdateJob
- System: DOTSDynamicBoneUpdateSystem
- DOTSDynamicBoneUpdateJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleUpdateJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneCollisionFinishJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleCollisionFinishJob
- IndependantDOTSDynamicBoneJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneIndependantMultipleJob
- DOTSDynamicBoneIndependantCollisionFinishSystem
Now i will go over each job and give a breif description:
Both DOTSDynamicBoneCullingUpdateTransformsJob and DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleCullingUpdateTransformsJob is
responsible for Updating data related to the culling system. The difference between them is the that one
modifies Entities with the DOTSDynamicBone data component and the
other modifies Entities with the DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement
.ForEach((ref DOTSDynamicBone bone) => {
.ForEach((ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement> bones) => {
The DOTSDynamicBone_ParticleLocalToWorldOverrideJob is responsible for updating entities that are associated
with DOTS Dynamic Bone Entities that want the LocalToWorld
, Translation
, or Rotation
values overwritten with the DOTS Dynamic Bone values.
var OverrideJobHandle = Entities
.ForEach((in DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles, in DOTSDynamicBoneParticleLocalToWorldOverride_Tag tag) =>
The DOTSDynamicBoneWithPresetCollidersJob, DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleWithPresetCollidersJob, IndependantDOTSDynamicBoneWithPresetCollidersJob are responsible for updating DOTS Dynamic Bone Entities associated with the Preset Collision System. The difference between them is the that one modifies Entities with the DOTSDynamicBone data component, the other modifies Entities with the DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement and the other one modifies DOTS Dynamic Bone Entities with Independant attributes.
.ForEach((Entity entity, ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement> bones,
ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles,
ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement> m_Colliders,
in DynamicBuffer<Unity.Animation.AnimatedLocalToWorld> altw) =>
.ForEach((Entity e, ref DOTSDynamicBone bone, ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles,
ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement> m_Colliders,
in DynamicBuffer<Unity.Animation.AnimatedLocalToWorld> altw) =>
.ForEach((ref DOTSDynamicBone bone, ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles,
ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement> m_Colliders, in IndependantDOTSDynamicBone_Tag tag) =>
.ForEach((ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement> bones, ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles,
ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBoneCollider_BufferElement> m_Colliders, in IndependantDOTSDynamicBone_Tag tag) =>
NOTE: the AnimtedLocalToRoot
data isn't updated in these jobs.
The DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollisionUpdateJob DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleNaturalCollisionUpdateJob IndependantDOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollisionUpdateJob DOTSDynamicBoneIndependantMultipleNaturalCollisionUpdateJob are responsible for updating DOTS Dynamic Bone Entities associated with the Natural Collision System. The difference between them is the that one modifies Entities with the DOTSDynamicBone data component, the other modifies Entities with the DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement and the other one modifies DOTS Dynamic Bone Entities with Independant attributes.
.ForEach((Entity e, ref DOTSDynamicBone bone, ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles,
in DynamicBuffer<Unity.Animation.AnimatedLocalToRoot> altr,
in LocalToWorld coreLTW,
in DynamicBuffer<Unity.Animation.AnimatedLocalToWorld> altw,
in DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollider_Tag tag) =>
.ForEach((Entity e, DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement> bones, ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles,
in DynamicBuffer<Unity.Animation.AnimatedLocalToRoot> altr, in LocalToWorld coreLTW,
in DynamicBuffer<Unity.Animation.AnimatedLocalToWorld> altw, in DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollider_Tag tag) =>
.ForEach((ref DOTSDynamicBone bone, ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles, in IndependantDOTSDynamicBone_Tag tag, in DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollider_Tag tag2) =>
.ForEach((ref DynamicBuffer<DOTSDynamicBone_BufferElement> bones, ref DynamicBuffer<Particle> particles, in IndependantDOTSDynamicBone_Tag tag, in DOTSDynamicBoneNaturalCollider_Tag tag2) =>
NOTE: the AnimtedLocalToRoot
data isn't updated in these jobs.
The DOTSDynamicBoneUpdateJob, DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleUpdateJob, IndependantDOTSDynamicBoneJob, and the DOTSDynamicBoneIndependantMultipleJob are responsible for updating the non-collision associated DOT Dynamic Bone Entities. The difference between them is the **DOTS Dynamic Bone data componant.
The DOTSDynamicBoneCollisionFinishJob, DOTSDynamicBoneMultipleCollisionFinishJob, and the DOTSDynamicBoneIndependantCollisionFinishSystem is responsible for finalizing some calculations after another specific job is done. In an effeot to keep Jobs multithreaded, some processes needed to be broken up in order to allow for parallel writing in burst. For example, the IndependantDOTSDynamicBone Entity can be seperate from the Entity it is associated with. Since Parallel writting isn't allowed on another entity, I break up the update method and the AnimatedLocalToRoot update method into 2 Jobs to allow for parallel writing for methods.
It it important to remeber that the Jobs and systems are subject to change so if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know at link